Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Day 30: Lockdown In France: Not a lot to tell

15 April 2020

Nothing much to report...

Sun shine is 27C in courtyard late afternoon... wind is warm  and subsiding in strength...  A huge bumblebee got caught in kitchen  and safely dispatched. A young blackbird kept bashing its head on the glass of the atelier eventually stunning itself to the ground where I managed to escort it to the door.

FIVE things I know
1. People I know are very worked up about the UK government.
2. People I know feel that M.Macron has been more humble than Bojo.
3. 1 and 2  perhaps.  There have undoubtedly been lies, untruths, deception, massaging of egos to camouflage statistics so that Government attempts to impart a feel good factor to the nation about their decisions for trying to curb the virus.  There is Scientific criticism that UK should have done harder lockdown earlier.   It is easy to think they would like to reduce us oldies but as we now know the young are not immune.  No one is immune from tbhis virus but some are better able to tolerate it and survive than others and that has always been the case with viruses.   I am not a scientist.
4. I know that the economy is at threat, people's incomes, mental health, relationships, accommodations, debt and financial issues  etc etc etc are all threatened and at risk of collapse.
5. I know it is TIME for me to make more effort and look again into the past "MY PERSONAL BELONGINGS storage and organise it, which includes a lot of personal writings and things I suppose I do not need to carry anymore.

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