POSTING ONE is reproduced here with its old roof, lucarne, guttering and everything dirty old and brown including doors and shutters. This photo is about 2011 after painting shutters.
I started the blog in Autumn 2010 or later, (time passes) in retrospect. Life has been on a roller coaster and now it is DAY 45 of Lockdown in France.
So it's 3,650 days not counting leap years, since I signed.
HERE are two postings:
On 30th April 2010, I signed for the purchase of my very own property situated in "un plus beaux village de France". It had been my dream for 7 years since first setting sight on this delightful village and although I had looked at many houses they were always rejected because they were not pretty enough or were without a garden or were without exterior or side windows!
I'd been RestlessinFrance for many years having sold my beautifully renovated 400 year old former English inn, and being Cancerian, needed to have property of my very own. This is part of my "empire"and I still don't understand why I have it! I repainted the shutters which were previously brown.
Restless at the start
April 30th 2010
Once the four brothers and I had signed our names on every page of the Acte de Vente my anxieties were replaced by others but a supportive little bird, held my hand and said "Bravo". I was so happy, realizing the importance of this momentous occasion of buying a house in France! I was not to be restless! There was to be no more house searching, no more worries about whether a choice or decision is correct, no more money sitting in the bank, here I was with responsibility creating a whole new stress curve, just so I could have the security of owning "bricks and mortar" to make a home of my very own.

My purchase included:
1. one house with a courtyard and a garden on one plot of land
2. one garage / stable building with planning permission to convert and extend into a dwelling.
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