Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Day 23: Lockdown in France: Art In A Coronavirus Era

Wednesday 8 April 2020

I am having a drifty day when my mind and body are in almost "mindlessness" and ":couldn't care less-ness"  so I have come to the computer, having tried to start reading again.

INTERRUPTION to. my written thoughts

I am determined to tackle reading again: ORLANDO by Virginia Woolf   as I bought three of her novels in January 2019 as I have always intended "to read her" but it has been challenging. 
In the last few years reading has been difficult to concentrate on.
I was reading P.D. JAMES "Children of Men" somewhat apt now!!!!! but after getting 3/4 of the way through it I THINK I took it to the book exchange cubicle in the village as I can't find it to finish it!!!!!   Intellectually challenging which is what I do like to read!!!!! 
I am thinking that my brain is wired to internet reading and I would like to break that addiction.

Unusually, I wished to stay in bed and stay I did until the afternoon...mostly asleep in my cocoon of comfort of my beautiful bed with two duvets in a cold, dark shuttered room.  At this time of year, it is warmer outside than in, a cold temperature to reside in, not a refreshingly cool place to escape the onslaught of 40C outdoors.  So  if I go in and out I am donning extra jumper to be indoors and almost in beachware to be outdoors. Isn't that rather bizaare?

Today so far it has been 25C in my courtyard where I sat and enjoyed the late breakfast of croissant and apricot jam with a large cup of hot water and small cups of coffee with my square of dark chocolate melting stickily on my fingers n the heat.  My mind was adrift into nothingness, yet thoughts of giving myself permission to do nothing as well as thougths about how do I re-energise.

The so called buttery croissants from the supermarket in a pack of ten were bagged by me for the freezer. Even so, they don't like being frozen and have dried out. They do not last more than a few weeks if that.  So they are not a culinary delight but are cheaper than the crumbly ones sometimes over-baked ones from the local boulangerie.

ANYWAY I wish to share this:
and my thoughts...
would love to know yours...
would love a cultural debate and maybe the bbc article will promote such debate.........

 I shall call it ART IN A CORONAVIRUS era...    plus it is about Nottingham where my daughter, grand daughter were supposed to have gone last weekend for a conference she had so looked forward to and that I was financing.. Disappointment all round and we don't know if it will be postponed to the next date that has been organised.

This is fascinating
a) that these items are littered in the streets...
b) the mentality of society, of people, of circumstance as to why these are littered in the streets
c) that debris from a dangerous disease causing distress and death can create creativity from creative artists
d) how technology can help create artform.
e) about how and who is clearing litter from the streets,  when governmental dictates of rules and regulations to keep people safe from this virus  have closed down departments and divisions of the ORDER of COMMUNITY
f) so that  gloves are left strewn with potential virus attached to them
g) and then the question of how these products will be destroyed to protect the planet... are they too going to be washed up in the ocean like plastic bags??????

I am gradually thinking that I could DO something practical now that my mind has engaged with its thinking wires!!!!!!!!!
There is cleaning to do... and a mammoth list of admin, gardening, dreams and lists and plans to address, and accordion music to play, singing to practice in the absence of group meetings, and I dream of having a grand piano ... or an electric keyboard wqith piano sensation in the interim.

It's nice to write.
A bientôt.

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