Thursday, 21 May 2020

Day 66/11: Déconfinement - Lunch with Friends

Ascension Day
21 05 2020

Invited out for lunch....
after 66 days in lockdown it was exciting but disturbing to be going to a friend's house where there are links to the coronavirus in Paris.
They served the Champagne I had NewYear gifted them for helping me before Christmas... such lovely reciprocal friends... everything that goes round comes around... and then there was another bottle of white wine from the wineries of Beaumont near Marignay-Brizay.

Goodness knows what the temperature was, in the heat of the day,  as it was 28C in my courtyard after 19h ...

After lunch their cyclist friends unexpectedly turned up on their half way circuit   and I am convinced they must have been there for at least 3 hours just in time for coffee after the meal ... very French, though I didn't have any, nor tea, not hot water, so that was a mistake. because i didn't realise how hot it was until my arms felt as if they had caught the sun!!!!!!, not did I had my summer chapeau!   When I got home I was very tired,  so went to bed early, not wishing  to eat a morsel nor drink more other than cold water.

The lunch was excellent.
We start with aperos,, the Champagne, nuts and radishes from my garden...
Then delicious salmon croissants with excellent cous-cous. Following that my lettuce with goats cheese followed. by apricot tart and ice cream.

We didn't tackle translation of income tax guidelines and rules.  Just as well on a French Feria Day on a beautiful day as such it was.

It was a wonderful day of listening to French as well as speaking English for my French hosts.
It was uncannily stressful to get into the Kangoo and drive as I had bit done so for two weeks and then not far or for long.  I think the unnerving factor was being in the boulangerie where all the locals wore masks but the "apparent" visitors with velos on their cars were not .. and I became disturbed by the unreality of what is reality.
May is a most wonderful month and it is a pity I cannot get to the lavender fields.

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