Monday, 25 May 2020

Day.70/15 :Déconfinement - Bird

Monday 25 May 2020
Related to Saturday

Little bird unlocked
copyright  RestlessinFrance
Not to be published printed or copied without permission
May 2020

After the first cutting of grass in the year
on newly mown grass an image did appear.
Imagination found as I looked around 
a little green bird shape lying on the ground.

I wouldn’t call it lawn 
as in an English garden.
Daisies most proliferate 
show their heads in sunshine.

Along comes the mower to cut off their heads
which feels rather dismal, cruel, but instead
bright eyed daisies return happily, 
and daily they always look upwards at me, 
challenging admiration readily.

Little green bird shape was formed with no sound.
Whilst I held it in my hands and lifted it from the ground,
it cheeped at me, 
spoke the possibility 
that I could use creativity.
Imagination thought excitedly.

A little while after and later in the week
a small birds nest was spied as I peeked 
into wintry-bare-thorny-rose-branches by the wall,
just as I was about to prune them all.

Feathers found for tail and flight, a daisy for the eye,
string from natural fibre so that it could not fly, 
held it on its metal perch, whilst baby tulip bulbs 
represented hungry chicks,  until disassembled. 

I took a photograph against ‘Stone Wall’ where ‘Birds Nest’ was found.
But when I tried to add the wing the nest came tumbling down,
out threw the little chicks who tumbled to the ground.

So it seemed to be 
the creation survived momentarily
The birds have flown their nest. 
The sculptor did her best. 

Whilst the Sun Shines On Our Earth 
Birds Sing their Song of Joy 
Life gives birth; it takes as death:
we all hope to survive a pandemic crisis. 

I’ve heard nearly every day 
the nightingales in May
with their woeful, joyful, melodies fey.

25 May 2020

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