Friday, 22 May 2020

Day 67/12: Déconfinement - Morning to Evening

Friday 22 May 2020

Early Morning Meditation naming what I see.  I arrive at the site of the Nightingale coppice. Stand and listen to pure sound and laugh at Nature's gift of birdsong, trees and my life landed here. I am not stuck in that sense.

Found a strange triangular stemmed, leafed, young tree structure.
Maybe Field Maple.
I picked one stem.
On the return road journey, I was fascinated by the cluster of bright, shiny olive-green leaves,  but more by the structure  - three leaves at the top of a stem where below were three other leaves and below that at a turn three more etc...but NOT on a triangular stem.

A bit later I was tempted to pick three field poppies to position inbetween  three leaves of the stem.

and a bit later three of a seemingly different variety of poppy which at first I thought were more orange coloured but that was a trick of the light!

Lunch finger food was of fresh branched celery from the village shop with new carrots, cherry tomatoes, the last radishes, sweaty cheese with balsamic dressing and nectarine for dessert.


Evening meal was a risotto of olive oil, sunflower oil, celery leaved branches, garlic, shallots, fresh ginger, carrot, tomato sauce, sun-dried tomatoes, sweet peppers and chilli peppers from a jar, lots of dried basil from last year, cheese, pine-nuts, chives and thyme, inside of an old lime, water, port, salt and pepper.   A case of stand in the back kitchen and see what is there to use that must be used and how not to have meat or fish this evening.
There was no wine!!!!! so it was Gin & Tonic with lime juice which worked well with the heat of the risotto and evening.

I deserved it after having to harness energy. to vac and clean all 7 rooms... but only half of the large Salon!   PLUS topped up the black compost bin with rotting grass cuttings and put some by each of the butternut seedlings planted two days ago. Another mow will soon be due not to mention the other land!  The roses begin to need dead heading.  The lavender is nearly in bloom!

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