Wednesday 9 July 2014

dans la foulée

is an adverbial clause which means immédiatement après, sur la même lancée.    
I had never heard this phrase before yesterday! 
When I have discovered my former partner's iMei 15 digit code which is a desimlockage code for his mobile, I will be able to ask the lovely  to unblock his phone, now that I have his phone number so that he can use his phone in Asia! The lovely Sebastien will change it  "dans la foulée", that is, immediately after I have told him.  
When the Samsung Galaxy S4 was bought at Auchan we asked for it to be unblocked. Today the same man told me that my friend had to do it himself. However, only the telephone company can do this!!! This salesperson has told me the opposite of what he told us when we bought the mobile, and also today he told me a lie saying that the 13 digit number on the facture for the sim card was the iMei code required!  I was going to go back and tell him but couldn't be bothered as perhaps he didn't need to be shamed some more!
On Monday I made one phone-call to, (English speaking line) who gave me the technical support number (French 4 digits) who told me to go to the boutique in my local town, who told me to go to Auchan.  The very nice receptionist at the acceuil, Auchan,  took me to 'le portable' section (French people now use the universal word 'mobile'). They told me to go to the shop opposite in the mall complex. The receptionist explained to the lady from what I need to do. This lady was also superb. She took me back to Auchan and  left me waiting as there was a long queue. I spoke to the man who had sold my friend the phone!  After that, back to Sebastien, as above! 
Technological communication in France!aaaaarrrggghhh! 
Know one's rights. Know about guarantees and if you want to take a mobile out of France get it unblocked and get them to prove it!  Don't rely on them to do as one asks! Keep the box. Keep all paperwork they give! Keep the receipt! Keep your head! Keep one's patience! Be  determined, calm, tell them how kind they are and smile!  The picture isn't yet finished so there will be an update to this small story!
P.S. I have a cheap UK mobile 'pay as you go' which is in hiding somewhere... and so I know nothing about smartphones.. and after this little experience I do not wish to have one!
My friend in Asia has followed the procedure and after a short hiccough when part of the instruction had been ignored by like press the green phone icon!!!!.....I am now in possession of the imei number. When I have the time and energy I must proceed to the company.  I would prefer to go into the shop so that I can see the screen!!!!!!! Then I will feel more confident.
I have a friend who is half French and he maintains that the French tell lies all the time! Now, I haven't really come up against this before, except when we were trying to cancel a complicated issue for my friend who wanted to cease being an auto-entrepeneur when unknowingly he had been registered as micro-entreprise.  We were sent in circles!  That took a year and a half to resolve!
Or, is it that the French people really don't know the answer, so tell you something 'helpful' to make you go away!  In this current case, I couldn't see why would not do the procedure over the phone, but now I think I can see that anyone with any nous (pronounced nouse as in common knowledge) could make changes! HELP, this techno world means there is no protection from privacy yet every protection against fraud so maybe we should be grateful! 

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It would be lovely to hear what you think.