Sunday 20 July 2014

Tranquillity spoiled

The grange next door held a party for 18 year olds to celebrate three birthdays! I was kept awake on and off until after three this morning. I love the French. The parents informed me a few days ago of impending night noise and invited me for aperos... it always works as a placebo, doesn't it!   It's 'a first to have a party at the empty grange next door ... but I hope there is not a repeat, at least for a year.  Even though, I know European Law on noise levels in neighbourhoods, I was extremely  tolerant!  It isn't every day that there is an initiation ceremony into adulthood!year.  It would be interesting to know what my other immediate neighbours thought.   I wonder if it would have been allowed in Paris!
The worst problem was being kept awake until after 3h30 in the morning by Wii who would not come home until after I had put the lights out, at that hour indeed. We had been invited for aperos but somehow he managed to stay... and drink!

1 comment:

  1. Here in Le Grand-Pressigny we have had noise until the early hours twice in a week - for the 14th July and Saturday's guingette.
    Fortunately it was far enough away to ignore it if we closed the windows, and once in a while is not so bad.
    As long as your neighbours don't make a habit of it!


It would be lovely to hear what you think.