Thursday, 31 May 2012


oh George, oh Paul, oh John, oh Ringo, oh The Beatles, oh how I used to weep between screams and smiles of joy, of sentiment, of being on the edge of a cliff of musical, magical, majestical mystery.
Yesterday ....... was a stormy day... in more ways than one.

Yesterday, I sat on a bench under the hands of horse chestnut trees, whilst rain penetrating through leaves dropped drips, one by one, onto my blue-grey rain mac and in my hair, as I sat and studied  lightning across a river valley, watching rain fall against the backdrop of trees. Birds stopped song and flight as rain fell and when the clouds abated, the feathered friends struck up their tunes and were seen to fly from place to place, for it was not yet 9 o'clock in the evening.

Yesterday, I sat under the leaves of conker trees and smelled the damp bark. I leaned against the tree and wished to hug the strength out of it.  I witnessed conkers lying on the ground from last Autumn.  I looked up into the canopy of green and felt protected.  My wistful melancholy whimpered at my soul like a French nightingale with all the joys and happinesses of Spring and Summer but solitariness seethed towards a wonderment about people and existence.

Yesterday, I sat wishing I had my camera, purse and tissues, for I had nothing except my self and what I wore. Then CLOCK. I see before me a Toyota MR2 sports car with a GB number plate... ah ha .. English people are here.  Ah ha, and what is this, as a Porsche Boxster S parks alongside it. "Bonsoir" le monsieur dit a moi. "Bon soir Monsieur" je dit.  "Hello".  He discusses the weather and who they are visiting and asks me something where I reveal a twist in the day but reveal nothing more than the wistfulness of a stormy day.  I ask if he has seen me before, for he is quite friendly! He offers to bring a glass of wine as he clutches his two bottles of red to the place he is going to.  Of course he never arrives. Why would anyone in a thunder storm want to return to a wet bench under trees with two glasses of red in his hand when he is the age of my son?
But oh, I dreamed that he would..for a person to talk to and not to talk about me... oh no... for as I have been told I am as mad as a biscuit and I am told that I dream fancifully.
There I am in a film set ... rather as Bathsheba in the storm. I see Troy with Fanny as the rainstorm flooded the earth and spoiled the crops and yet made characters strong to allow love to win through tragedy.    Oh such a fanciful imagination in search of company and more than that... normality.

Wishing to maintain privacy, just let me say that the following day I was feeling so good that after almost 3 hours of mowing grass, I walked far into countryside at a pace, descending and climbing a circuit of stone steps, lanes, streets and pavements about the village and its environs.  I courageously knocked on a door to see if I could discover this person to explain that I do not normally sit in rain and thunder storms. These English people were so kind and not at all French really... we showed interest, discussing all manner of things French and English, their lives and mine. They fed me a most amazing 3 course meal followed by coffee.  I hope I can return the conviviality.

Yesterday... I was told by an English person that I look French...oh oh oh... MY MY MY! J’ai arrivé.
I do actually have ancestors who are from Nîmes et de Nantes. How good do I feel!!!!!!!!
Life is looking up!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 30 May 2012


This word, I am avoiding repetition, is evidently supposed to be a no-no for writing, and for some, for speaking.
Do I talk too much?
Evidently, yes, when too much alcohol has been consumed. I accept that and try to curb my intake for my age!
Sometimes when I have had coffee, I know I become eloquent / verbose!
Sometimes when nothing has been imbibed, I get over-enthusiastic.
I try to listen with attention.  I thought I was a good listener.
I try hard to let the other person speak because I learn so much.
Once a friend used to let me talk, then after many months, nay years, complained that I talk too much.
I can see that the ploy of some when asking others to speak about themselves can indicate a lack of self-confidence putting them into a position of power to wrong foot the person ... Cynic that I am!
Do I write too much?  Maybe!!!!!! Sometimes!!!  Yes I do!!! And sometimes I, me, moi, just love it!
That last line is deliberately verbose!!!
The cure for verbosity is: 
  •  to rephrase each sentence deleting as many words as possible
  •  to use one word instead of several
  •  to use bullet point
  • to engage the listener or reader, so as to avoid their boredom from the use of flowery language and excessive use of words!!!!

When drunk, he becomes pompous and verbose.
BUT I like writing and attempt creativity with words, trying to avoid the use of AY, AYE, EYE and I.
I certainly would not wish anyone to consider my writing to be TEDIOUS so perhaps it is time for re-assessment, acknowledgement and change.   What do you, the reader, think?

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

The bathroom saga

I feel so sad ..... HE REALLY HAS done his best to work at the plumbing problem (a leak) on the bath tap that also operates the shower! He is by no means incompetent and has years of experience as a builder and as a plumber / electrician and you name it, he can do it, and problem solve and find a way and help those who do not have his skills.  He is a serious builder (in France that means professional). He is a perfectionist and I love him for that even though he accepts he is not perfect and because I am not perfect........ well, we won't go own that road!!!!!!!! He is very conscientious and I do not believe this is his fault but he is very depressed, downhearted, and tired of course.
I can vouchsafe for his work. His workmanship at my previous property was outstanding. I loved it and regret leaving that house but if I had stayed there I would not be here, where I am today...... somewhere very, very special, even it at times it is tough being single .......
He even created his own terrace and verandah using old oak beams for posts and beams, wearing himself out doing so, but he now enjoys he warmth that this conservatory on the front of the house gives to the rest of the idyllic pretty cottage and so does Big Feet, his beautiful poly-pawed cat! Yes, more than the normal amount of claws on each foot and tortoiseshell too.  I love her.
In the bathroom, the tap module needs to be plumbed "traverser le cloissoné", that is, the pipes have to go through the stud work wall, where plumbing pipes to the shower are concealed.  It's such a wonderful idea and normal in luxury hotels.  But French plumbing parts as well as a lot of his own plumbing parts have defeated him... well not quite.   We bought new parts and followed the advice of the LeroyMerlin assistant, even though my friend was confident that what we needed was correct, I wanted it confirmed and so it was!  When he tried to repair the cut a long story short.... the rubber washer which was supplied got itself sucked into the connecting brass joint and so there was a different leak and so we tried a red fibre washer which fragmented and also got sucked into the joint. This fact was only discovered after about 4 hours of disconnecting and connecting and turning stop cocks on and off!  Never in his career as he ever seen such events!!!!!!!!  So now he will try to obtain a different joint and try again.  I am past caring about how much it costs... just let me have that bath again!!!!! Looks like I will have to wait a while for the shower party!
Meanwhile, here's a photo of my bathroom ready for the electrician who hopefully will arrive tomorrow for final fix; to fit the extraction fan, 3 spotlights, towel rail, wall switch, shaver socket, wall light.  I have this sneaking suspicion he will not have all of that which I need despite the fact that I have emailed him with photos and details.
It's just to tease you!!! Cardboard to protect the ceramic and glass! Awaiting the  bath screen too!!!!!!

Sunday, 27 May 2012

What a wonderful world

It is Sunday. This morning chores of cleaning and clearing prevailed whilst I listened to Radio 4 'Listen Again' and read various news articles in between my walks about the house taking things to their right and proper place!   Evidently, moving STUFF from one place to another is called CHURNING!  I seem to be saving paper and cardboard necessary for lighting the woodburner or fuelling it when it wishes to slumber and I don't!  It's all being moved outside to my LOG DEPARTMENT!

I thought about starting financial paperwork when I decided to pop along to 'La Presse' where I could buy a friend a birthday card and post another friend a postcard. The latter was easy but the 50% discounted cards had disappeared. A few days ago I didn't have sufficient money in the purse.  Follow the canny French and get in quick is their MOTTO. Today, I bought my friend a hanging basket of beautiful purple flowers rather than buying it for myself.

In the mood for relaxation (chillax seems to be the modern word),  I thought I would have a glass of wine to celebrate Pentecost but there appeared to be a party on the back terrasse. When I enquired if it was private, the nice young man said in French "Mais Non,  it's to celebrate the handover of ownership of the shop from sister to brother".  And so I was welcomed.  Here in this pretty village I arrive coincidentally at yet another unforeseen event, where I enjoyed convivial company being introduced to new people.  I enjoyed my wine with unexpected salads, bread and cheese for lunch and then a lovely lady invited me for coffee, where as we sat in her garden we patted her two domesticated chickens!!!!!
I was amazed at her diy skills with renovating a house, which makes me look decidedly feeble!
I walked home down the hill, across the bridge to climb the steps and swan past La Place to chez moi, smilingly, happily, content, witnessing 'un mariage' with barbecue at the Salle de Fetes, and lots of people in their gardens quietly enjoying hot June weather when we are only in May!!!!! Le village est plein!  I have been invited a public event at the next town and am trying to gather courage to get into a hot vehicle....but shall I just stay in the cool for it is almost 5pm?  I went and did not find them!  Lots of people doing what once I would have enjoyed, but the music bored me and I yearned to be back in my courtyard and my lovely village......I wish I had television for I would have liked to have watched le French Grand Prix.   What a Wonderful World!   www!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

I can have a bath every day

Despite the plastic on the bath, despite the miniscule leak behind the thermostat bath tap (we have to return to the shop for a different fitting!), despite no silicone around the bath and a few other things  HOW WONDERFUL it is to have my own wash facilities and not have to use the bath of a friend.
A shower has to wait until I get a bath screen and I daren't yet soil the water closet!!!!
Doors are wide open as they are being fitted but hey ho progress is made and IF ONLY we could get finished. THEN it is the great clear up and removal of debris (useable wood, plasterboard, etc)  packing up the tools for the summer and trying to clean the floors!!!!!

Friday, 18 May 2012

Cloud Cuckoo Land

A friend says that I live in Cloud Cuckoo Land with a fanciful imagination and unsatisfied desires. This is true.  There are so many things I would like to do in life but feel held back by fears or lack of funds, courage, time, skills and talents!   Maybe this is the same for everyone?
Although I know what the phrase means I thought I would turn to my great educator, the world wide web, and so Wiki says:
The reference comes from The Birds, a play by Aristophanes in which Tereus helps Pisthetairos ("Mr. Trusting") and Euelpides ("Mr. Hopeful") erect a perfect city in the clouds, to be named Cloud Cuckoo Land.    That is just so fascinating.  I have improved the poem for the friend:

Cloud Cuckoo Land perfection is grand.

Hinting that I may, be unaware or fey,
Deranged and marginised, naive on every side.

Ever an optimist, it's true, happy is better than the horrid blues,
Living needs a hint of hope,  than to go to bed and mope! 

Life is lovely in a daisy dream world, more fun than being an unhappy bunny girl
When reality brings me to earth with a fall, Lovelier to have dreamed than not dreamed at all.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Logs and Bathroom progress

With a lot of help from a friend we moved one trailer, in France it is called a remorque, of one metre logs that are cut into thirds.  Five stères, that is 5 cubic metres are waiting for collection.  I do this because they are a) a good price b) the supplier is known c) the logs are always three years old d) it gives me more exercise as if I don't have enough to do, and e) because I have not yet spoken to a supplier nearer to me.  It will take about 6 journeys but even with petrol costs it is cheaper than some suppliers of oak logs. Anyway the car makes that daily journey. They are being stacked with the 1.75 stères remaining from last winter. Stacking takes time.
N.B. Looking back at Mathematics that means I have burnt 8¼ steres during the last winter months.

Very soon, we will complete the bathroom renovation.
Today, cleaned tiling, repeated jointing powder where it had not pushed into spaces, began to fix  floor skirting tiles, sanded doors.

The whereabouts of the electrician is unknown and now I will step up contact. The bathroom is flooded with light for most of the day  so I can always like candles at night. I think the positioning of the door into the bedroom will have to wait.

It has been a difficult project and every day my friend starts with huge motivation and energy, even telephoning an alarm call every day. Two rings. I shall miss those!  I know it has taken a long time but there have been very difficult plumbing, drainage and other matters.  In addition, the client, that is me, had ideas in her head, drawings on paper, but did not know how to do the behind-the-scenes technical stuff which has all taken time.

There was
  • the three layered window.....installed to overcome the existing unattractive window which overlooks a neighbour.  Now they cannot see in nor hear. Nor can we see or hear them.
  • the preparation and insulation of walls and floor ensuring a flat surface.
  • floor tiling
  • The connection of hot and cold water to existing pipes but altering position.
  • Plumbing of water supply and waste water to and from shower, bath and sink, including installation of taps and shower head.
  • Measuring....... oh my ....... so much had to be measured on a constant basis.
  • Sometimes two heads were better than one as we would talk through how something would be done.
  • Wall tiling/Bath panel tiling/ Sink shelf tiling.  I chose two different types of tiles. Firstly my design required a small amount of black and white mini tiles to go with the very large white tiles.  They were on display on the shop where I measured against the measurements  in the bathroom and worked out how many I needed, checked with the sales person. However, white tiles are ceramic and mini tiles are glass and they need different glue, different thickness of glue, different jointing technique and polishing afterwards. We have been round with a stanley blade trimming the jointing powder where it would not fit neatly between the tiles!!!!
  • Eventually the plan changed ... new ideas are set to try us! :) .. and I had to purchase a LOT more mini-tiles and return a case of 15 white tiles. So up went the budget!  When you see the design you may understand how much time I spent assessing how many 12 x 12  tiles I required. I had cut them into lengths of 4 x 12 tiles and 3 x 12 tiles and we even used the leftover tiles to form strips! Another challenge was cutting the glass mini tiles when we realised that where they butt together they needed to be halved!  The mathematical process was time consuming and challenging!  I have no regrets and I know that my friend is really pleased with the result.
  • Just purchasing what goes into a bathroom: window glass bricks and a double glazed unit, a bath, suspended toilet, shower, sink, tap units, floor tiles, wall tiles, lighting, switches, electric towel rail, and then paint, and plumbing fittings, wood, plasterboard, screws, washers, etc, etc, etc and this involved several shopping trips where it is a 60 mile round trip and takes most of a day!!!!!!
  • We've worked through the warmth and cold of winter and despite days off my friend has by and large worked 4 days a week for about 5 to 6 hours each day. We've eaten well and had regular coffee and tea breaks with home-made cakes, bread, tarts, pies, lunches. 

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Sixteen Degrees ...

Celsius at 20h35 when the sun has ceased in my courtyard AND back garden.  I've mowed and thereby walked ... pruned roses, planted up the troughs that I put on the small strip of my land on the street front, did various tidying up jobs in the garden, spoke to my cousin on the telephone for a long time as e have not spoken for about 5 weeks.  It's amazing how the day can pass whilst enjoying the warmth of the sun and enjoying just being, then one arrives at the end of the day and wonders where the day went.  BUT to feel happy is my content!!!!!! With sunshine and warmth, despite impending jobs that feel incessant, generally on a scale of 0 to 10, when 10 is good, I feel 9.8% happy, TODAY!!!!! Who knows what tomorrow will bring!   I enjoyed my meals today as well! I often wonder what life is all about .... when  I WOULD love to share my lifestyle with so many people, yet, it is what it is, and perhaps it is only for me, for the now!!!!
Good news: my clematis, which has struggled to exist for 2 years but I have cossetted it from time to time, has flowered with two purple flowers in the last 24 hours. I've just looked at the name and chuckled.  It is called THE PRESIDENT and maybe not because of the cheese,  but perhaps it has flowered to welcome Monsieur Normal, Monsieur Hollande, the new French President. I thank him!!!!!!  I am delighted!

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Soul Sister, Brown Sugar

I love to be reminded of music....a friend sent me the post title, then  I found this:

Friday, 11 May 2012

The Abbey of St Savin - a Unesco heritage site

A few weeks ago my very dearest and special vicary cousin and her husband came to visit. They had never been to see where I lived in this country and time takes me back to 2005 when I arrived here with my friend who bought his house in Autumn 2003 whilst I bought mine in 2010.
It was an opportunity to show my cousin a sacred place that I have visited many times before.  The Abbey of Saint-Savin is a World Heritage Site and has been preserved for its murals and history.  I love the Noah's Ark and the painted pillars.

On the way home I was stunned by nature's colours and oh how I wish I could paint a picture to express a thousand words.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Summer Scents with Springsteen

It was 24 degrees in the twilight tonight as I danced in my kitchen and courtyard to Bruce Springsteen Born to Run and many other wonderful magic songs by he, the man who is such a delight with the E Street Band........ Go to here.
When I walked around the town earlier to descend stone steps and ascend different ones, to stand on the bridge to ponder, then walk under the bridge to be stunned by clematis and roses,  the heavy, heavenly perfume-ladened atmosphere identified near the chateau, clung to me wherever I went and still the scent haunts me but I wear no perfume......the lingering, scent that I have not experienced before in this village is creeping through my open doors.......and the smell of wisteria or jasmine or I don't know what,  pervades and is so wonderful that I do not wish to go to bed........nights like these where I can sit in my courtyard and feel WARMTH through all my skin and bones ..... oh my's when I love France and love Life and Flowers.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Morris Dancers in France

I slept in The Annexe last night. It was so warm I remember wriggling out from under the duvet!!!!! I awoke at a very reasonable hour bearing in mind that shutters on the doors and windows keep the room dark, but I could feel a chink of light waking the day! After breakfast, minor tasks and lighting a fire, I sat with a hot chocolate drink and a small piece of chocolate with fleurs du sel (my favourite!) and started to record government pension net payment dates and state pension gross payment dates even though I have a list somewhere else, backdating for several's now in one book!!!! Next is to work out how much tax I have paid in UK and France over the years because UK say I owe them!!!!!  Drafting letters and checking how to get the tax forms filled is tedious.
After a small salmon and pasta lunch, I chose to drive to a local village event where there was to be Poitou-Limoges dancing.  I think it's wonderful that boys and girls are being taught confidence to publically demonstrate their regional heritage. So many establishments in England never celebrate May day or country dancing. Our school used to have country dancing at the school fete, but it was always only two of the four classes. Shame! Still all children could dance when they were in those classes.
I looked at the dam on the River Gartempe and took note that here was another place where I could come for a picnic and listen to the rush of water over the weir ... as my tidal water replacement therapy!!!!!
Now for my surprise which is why I drove half an hour from my village!!!!! Here were the Hook Eagle Morris Men Dancers... all the way from England..... Ooooh, so nice to have some British culture!  I think I am experiencing a drought in my own culture, when in the last 7 years I haven't really missed even a can of baked beans ... though proper jacket potatoes I have most definitely missed!!!! The group was amazingly fun and the very, very tall chap I spoke to afterwards was absolutely charming! I was reminded of where I used to live where one Christmas, the Molly Men,  danced in the street fair whilst we smelt the chestnuts roasting.  Yes...I am missing aspects of English heritage more and more!
BUT the French life and afternoon is and was so unpretentious...lots of elderly, older than me, sitting under the marquees having eaten a fine lunch, now to be entertained by dancing and bawdiness, no drunks, very few young children, no babies, all quite calm, people speaking French and English and did I hear some Belgian or German accents?.... I like the internationalism of communities.  It is important though for cultures to celebrate themselves and not to lose their identities and heritage. How fun to share and swap cultural differences.  I love that. 
Now for some photos:
He's taking a snapshot of dancers on stage between us when I have long range discrete zoom!
The style reminds me of hedgehogs and story fantasy.
Isn't he wonderful!!!

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Oh quelle bonne surprise!

Today was a day when I determined to clear the kitchen and buanderie (laundry-cum-larder room) after the long day of work and shopping on Thursday and the disarray caused with bags of shopping strewn across the kitchen plus the lunch debris etcetera!  I was too exhausted at 9pm to clear it and yesterday... well, what can I say other than what I have said..... I could not DO, I could not TAKE ACTION.  However, today it all got done... and then tired after a pasta, fish and cheese lunch,  I slept for an hour and was so cold I could hardly wake up at 2pm, but I did, lit the fire and started to look at tax forms which need to be returned this month... and always there are changes and I need to get it right to avoid the CSG.  I'm convinced that I should be exonerated from these but last year I had to pay 300 euros! (Postscript: I was re-imbursed 300 euros in June!) Evidently France does not repay for past arrears!!!! (Who said that?)  Plus, I seem to have a backlog of problems with UK and France tax departments since becoming a pensioner, however, it is partly my fault for putting it on the backburner and so now I must address the issues!!!!! More work to accomplish! However, mostly it is UK fault for not knowing that I had a State Pension!!!!! How can Big Brother not know for over 18 months!!!!!!
At a certain time in the day I promised myself a walk to the tourist office and beyond, to find out what is on tomorrow but before I reached my destination there was a marquee... oh,  the new art gallery is having an official opening.  Then I met someone who I had not seen since December so we chatted and dallied, then other acquaintances arrived and invited me to the opening!!! Almost two hours were spent looking at wonderful paintings full of light, speaking to people I knew and some that I did not know.  Although I forgot to look in the window of the Tourist office, I did go for my intended walk... down the stone paved slope towards the river and here was another welcome surprise....... the vocal call of the reinette frogs.... Summer has truly arrived.  On Thursday I heard the first grasshoppers. Lizards are abundant as well as ants!!!!! Despite the rain or because of the rain it is warmer but not so warm as to be without heat in the house! Often stone houses are cooler indoors when warmer temperatures are outside.  Nevertheless,  it was good to spend time with some discussion with people in a village that has many surprises if one's path coincides with what happens in the heart of the village.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Two hares loping

The rain is thrashing noisily down as I type....... now 21h42 and after 2 minutes it stops!!!!! (the pluviometer recorded 18mm of rain between then and the morning)

Earlier today I wrote:

I have never ever thought of using the expression “drunk with tiredness” but to day was such a day. I'd had only 33cl bottle of beer the previous evening to accompany a quarter of a salmon flan quiche and very simple salad.  So alcohol was not involved. When one lives alone one can do what one likes!!!!

Then later:
After almost 12 hours in bed I awoke at 9am and returned to bed an hour later, awoke after two hours sleep and returned to bed another 2 hours later then awoke at 5h30pm! I felt quite wobbly and drunk..... really weird ..... ashamed at the waste of a day so decided to drag the boots onto my feet, don the plastic lightweight mac and take an umbrella to walk, to split the mind of thought.  It was hard to start but I progressed along the chemins for two and a half hours (10.60km) without seeing a soul….. “just walk” was a message to myself.  I became quite hungry but told myself this was good for the stomach to yearn for food.  I planned the quickie meal I would cook.  I thought about what could happen if I were to ever just get up and walk south!  I need an ultra lightweight tent, an ultra lightweight bedroll and sleeping bag, simple clothing and boots.  Would I be brave enough to camp toute seule in wild France? Camp out means to erect the tent and sleep then to get up and walk.
If I were to have stopped for every nightingale I'd heard I would never have got back home...

Two hares loping away before me, their false eyes on ears watch, follow I do not dare..
a broken heart for where I saw majestic deer in love last year, 
now the tiny patch of woodland coppiced almost bare.

Surrounded by fields with yellow scent of mustard oilseed flowers..
strategic passing of puddles where water flowed from low field levels
Spring is the sound of an automatic air gun popping to scare birds from crops.

Partridges and pheasants bustle busily across seemingly barren fields..
two French matted Baudet de Poitou asses exchange greetings across a fence.

Oh so good that it did not rain and cause me to become wet. 
Oh so proud that I can walk such a distance for nigh on 3 hours 
though sometimes not stay awake for such time in my own home!  

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Making progress

It's almost 6pm on May 2nd.  I vacuumed various rooms, did domestic duties, provided lunch, sanded the new door, put more wood sealant on it, then undercoat.  I was not painting it quickly enough so help arrived as the door was in the sunshine and drying quickly. Then a speed walk to find a better photo of the Purple Toothwort. I climbed La Tranche Anglais and then the next set of steps to the High Town, even attempting to run up them! yyyy?  Then I realised I have more grass to mow, so off I go after a blogging interlude! Here is a sneak preview of the door lintel / step,  put in place today after more tiling was achieved.  It's a reclaimed piece of oak from the property woodpile......and yes, you can't yet see it in situ!
But here is a taster of the sink shelf and tap. I love it!!!!!!

Look low

The Conseil General has authorised the positioning of panels along the roadside verges and we have some outside this village.  They are to protect flora, especially orchids that are growing on the verges and roadside banks and to prevent the wrong sort of vehicles damaging the soil that provides the correct conditions for the array of flora to grow.
On my walk to the river I spotted the parasitic Purple Toothwort in fairly wet ground and was upset to find that some were being trodden on, probably inadvertently.
There were a number of other common wild flowers, including Ransomes Wild Garlic.
Wonderment was when I had to keep stopping to listen to the hundreds of nightingales singing their hearts out to the cuckoos and hoopoes.  Bliss!

Weather and Life

France meteo was incorrect. 
We had not a drop of rain yesterday so ...
one woman went to mow her meadow, 
weeded the rockery, 
primed and sealed a brand new bare wood interior door, 
cooked  'lieu noir' fish with onions, aubergines, red pepper, ginger, tarragon, nem sauce, lemon juice 
mixed with pasta papillons for lunch, 
made olive bread and ordinary bread with spelt and rye flour plus whole grain epautre (spelt) grains,
 assisted where I could with almost the final bathroom tiling, 
basked in the evening sunshine 
ate leftover lamb whilst enjoying a glass of Chardonnay with swallows chattering on the aerial above the courtyard and crashed into bed about 9pm.
Life in France eh?

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

May Day

Today is un jour férié.  It is a day to commemorate a civil or religious event.  Depending on the law and the agreements of companies these feast days can be paid or unpaid.  Increasingly shops in France are open on rest and relaxation days because of capitalism and people's inability to keep away from shops and shopping.  Shame!
May 1st, May Day is Labourer's Day over much of the World. Therefore it ought to be a day free from work but in reality people do work!  Indeed I am working on my house today. In France, florists sell Lily of the Valley.  It's traditional to offer people a sprig of lily of the valley, a symbol of spring and of good luck, especially if the sprig has 13 bell flowers. And on this day florists have permission to sell lily of the valley tax-free and probably at a premium price!   In France it is called Muguet.  It is a beautiful flower but beware it is poisonous. Strange gift to give to friends!
Struggling to herald May Day
Christians call it Our Lady's tears or Mary's tears. It symbolises humility in religious paintings.

To gauge the rain fall

Between the downpours of the weekend I managed some walks to re-familiarise myself with village views, as since the cold spell I have become unfit!  Today, the sun shone, but still the rain gauge collected 30mm of rain in less than 5 hours and that was after I tipped out 8mm at lunchtime. To be fair there wasn't a lot of rain at the weekend though it felt like it!  Thunderstorms too.  However,  at 7h30 with clear blue skies I heard the sound that I had heard before, thought hot air balloon, but I never see it. There this morning as I open my gates it is rising above my roof...... I rush back into the house to find the camera by which time it has travelled into the distance.
Now, for some entymology.  I have to investigate how we arrive at the spelling of gauge, because gauging does look peculiar! It is Middle English for a standard measure from the Old French gauge (noun), gauger (verb), and a variant of Old Northern French jauge (noun), jauger (verb), of unknown origin! Voila!
France meteo predicts rain every day for at least the next 10 days!!!!!!! The lawns will be sky high if the grass does not dry.